
White wolf wikia
White wolf wikia

white wolf wikia

Those with advanced supernatural senses ( Auspex of at least level 2, for example) see it as brighter than Venus, surrounded with a halo like a comet. The Kithain know it as the Eye of Balor, and mages dub it Telos. Kindred come to call it Wormwood and see it as another sign of Gehenna. It is known as Anthelios, or the "Eye of the Wyrm", to the Garou, who see it as a sign of the Apocalypse.

  • A Red Star visible only to supernatural creatures appeared in the sky.
  • white wolf wikia

    Other apocalyptic events also occurred during the Week of Nightmare, though not all of them are directly related to Zapathasura's awakening. Destructive Umbral storms and rage-filled ghosts and spirits plagued the region, though these abated over the course of several months. The Gauntlet effective vanished for a time, and remained unusually thin long afterward. A swath of territory stretching from Calcutta to Dhaka was almost entirely depopulated. The events of the Week of Nightmares were covered up by all parties involved, ascribed to a combination of an out-of-season typhoon and a mid-level military altercation between India and Bangladesh. This madness lasted for four days, and only a small number of Ravnos still survive, mostly of higher generation. But at the instant Zapathasura died every Ravnos on Earth felt an uncontrollable bloodlust, compelled to destroy or diablerize other members of their clan. While the battle raged, Ravnos vampires' power over Chimerstry grew stronger, though harder to control. The awakening of the Antediluvian had a profound effect on all its childer. As the clouds parted, Zapathasura had been weakened enough by the bombs and battle that the focused sunlight destroyed it. The Technocracy then employed magical "neutron bombs", killing all of Zapathasura's combatants – including those who were controlling the storm. All this supernatural activity did not go unnoticed by the forces of the Technocracy, who used orbital mirrors to focus the power of the sun on the Antediluvian, but the Boddhisatvas and their allies had called a supernatural storm to shield themselves from sunlight while they battled the Antediluvian. Zapathasura rampaged across India to Bangladesh for two days, calling its childer to it, but on the third day was attacked by three of the eldest Kuei-jin Bodhisattvas. The nightmares usually featured the Demon-King Ravana (representing Zapathasura). Psychics, madmen, and anyone even vaguely touched by the supernatural felt on edge or suffered visions and nightmares. When Zapathasura awoke in the Ravnos homeland of India, it devoured all its nearby childer in moments, and sent psychic ripples across the world and spirit realms. Hunger." It spoke Sanskrit, the ancient tongue of India. Its fanged jaws worked, and it rasped out, "Blood. If she tried, it would replenish its strength on her chi.Īlthough the thing had no eyes, only sockets oozing black blood, it turned to face the pair. Tieh Ju knew that, even weakened as it was, she could not fight it. It had survived the wrath of three Bodhisattvas and a bath of nuclear fire. Hallucinations of pain radiated from it, like the vibrating, inner light of migraine.

    white wolf wikia

    One arm hung as a stump of tattered meat.

    white wolf wikia

    Flakes of black ash covered the remains of its naked, shriveled body. She guessed it might be male but could not be sure. A vaguely human figure staggered toward Tieh Ju through the rain.

    White wolf wikia