
Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015
Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015

schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015

Responses to perceived failures to fulfill gender criteria in sexual and sexualized relationships are themselves gendered men and women select different targets for and utilize gendered tactics to accomplish the policing of supposedly natural gender boundaries and to repair breaches to heteronormativity. Recent legislative battles in North Carolina and elsewhere have focused on keeping transgender people out of public restrooms (see the recent Contexts article by Kristen Schilt and Lauren Westbrook). In January 2008, the city commission in Gainesville, Florida passed an ordinance prohibiting. While gender is presumed to reflect biological sex in all social interactions, the importance of doing gender in a way that represents the shape of one’s genitals is heightened in sexual and sexualized situations. By Kristen Schilt and Laurel Westbrook Originally posted at Contexts (here). The authors demonstrate that the criteria for membership in a gender category are significantly different in social versus (hetero)sexual circumstances. By contrasting public and private interactions that range from nonsexual to sexualized to sexual, the authors show how gender and sexuality are inextricably tied together. This article brings together two case studies that examine how non-transgender people, “gender normals,” interact with transgender people to highlight the connections between doing gender and heteronormativity.

Schilt and westbrook contexts journal 2015