In this example, you are instructing FFmpeg to read a video named inputVideo.mp4 and extract 5 seconds starting at the 3rd second and ending at the 8th second – while re-encoding it using libx264. Here is the command line for this using output seeking. If you re-encode your video when you cut/trim, then you get a frame-accurate cut because FFmpeg will re-encode the video and start with an I-frame. Note: if you use both -t and -to, then only -t will be used. For example, -ss 40 -to 70 instructs FFmpeg to extract 30 seconds of the video starting from the 40th second to the 70th second. You can specify the end-time using the -to parameter. For example, -ss 40 -t 10 instructs FFmpeg to extract 10 seconds of video starting from the 40th second. You can specify the duration of the required clip using the -t parameter. And, if we put those two together, we can efficiently cut / splice a video using FFmpeg. Now, let’s learn to specify the end time as well. For example, you can tell FFmpeg to seek to 01:02:03 – i.e., the 3rd second of the 2nd minute of the 1 hour of the movie! Specifying the End Time Here, the time is specified as HH:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS. The first thing that you need to do is tell FFmpeg to seek to the 10th second, right? This is achieved using the -ss parameter in the FFmpeg command line and the syntax is –. Let’s suppose that you want to extract a portion of your video – say from the 10th to the 20th seconds. Cut/Trim using Output Seeking Without Re-encoding.Fast Way to Cut / Trim Without Re-encoding (using Copy and Input Seeking).